ASEZ Forum Lehman College 〔 World Mission Society Church of God 〕

【English】 [This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorized copying and distribution are prohibited.] - WEBSITE: - FACEBOOK: - INSTAGRAM: - TWITTER: Lehman College members of ASEZ (Save the Earth From A to Z) hosted a Crime Prevention College and invited speakers to educate members, fellow college students and the community about the importance of reducing crime and recommended steps everyone can take to do their part. Under the slogan, “The Future Starts Here!” ASEZ takes the lead to creating dialogue on improving the world. ASEZ at Lehman College invited Dr. Juan J. DelaCruz, associate professor of economics; Denny Santos, assistant director of community engagement; Sargent Samuel Gonzales, supervisor at the department of public safety, and keynote speaker New York State Assembly Member Karines Reyes to pres
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