What scares you? Is the fear of something real different from the fear of something imagined? Either way, fear is a powerful, tantalizing feeling that can propel into action or paralyze in non action. It takes a lot of imagination to let fear unleash the soul instead of eating it, as the saying goes: the imagination one finds in literature; the bursts of fantasy one can enjoy in fashion. That’s the fear we are talking about here. Positive fear. Beautifying fear. Fashionable fear. Fashion, for GCDS, is, first and foremost, an expression of joy, filled with glitter and sparkle. It is an expression of fantasy that entices upward feelings, sprinkled with laughter. Stale times like the ones we are living openly call for such unabashed expressionism. All times actually call for it. Fashion has the power to transform: it gives body to a fantasy and molds the body to such fantasy. What if Dracula, the very epitome of the fearful horror story, turned into a glamorous affair of candy pinks and glowing greens, shiny la
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