Radmir Muftakhin - Kurtash

Kurtash (Kurtash - mountain in the Beloret region of Bashkortostan) You are my own Kurtash, A rock by the Aghithel. You are soft as a pillow to me, Giving warmth in winter, my Kurtash. No enemy will pass by you, No enemy will pass, with you Keeping watch, my Kurtash. My shelter and my haven you are, my Kurtash. When the enemy came, When all was ablaze, To you I turned, my Kurtash. You were my weapon, My arrow and my bow, my own Kurtash, I will take my revenge upon the enemy, I swear to you, my Kurtash. May the curse be mine, If I fail to keep my word, my Kurtash.
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