10th Zinoviev Readings: Panel discussion 2

X International Conference “The Zinoviev Readings”: “Alexander Zinoviev and the Foresight of a New Geopolitical Realit” October 29, 2019, Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya International Multimedia Press Center. Greater Hall. Panel discussion 2. Topic: “The Futurology of Alexander Zinoviev Predicted Transformations and Possible Consequences“ Moderator: member of the Zinoviev Club of the MIA “Russia Today“ Timofey Sergeytsev Speakers: Dimitrios Patelis (Greece), Hauke Ritz (Germany), Giulietto Chiesa (Italy), Michael Kirkwood (Scotland), Sergey Baburin (Russia), Igor Bocharnikov (Russia), Alexander Rudakov (Russia), Timofey Sergeytsev (Russia)
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