German armored forces encountering both fake and real Soviet adversaries in Ukraine in 1944

0:39 The advances forces run into Soviet dummy tanks, some of which appear to have been damaged by fire and therefore having been effective in their intended purpose of misleading the enemy. 0:55 Among the more run of the mill Panzer IVs and Panthers some good shot of the . 251/10 Schützenpanzerwagen ( PaK) firing, note the cut down gun shield in order to make it harder to distinguish from the standard . 251/10 as this would typically be the platoon leader’s vehicle. 1:09 Hummel self-propelled 15cm guns in action. 1:22 A Tiger I drives past a Soviet 76mm divisional gun M1939 with its barrel stuck in the fully recoiled position. 1:33 Nashorn tank-destroyer armed with the long Pak 43 88mm gun with the name “Tiger“ painted on the superstructure, perhaps it wanted to be a heavy tank when it grew up. In the following shot shows a knocked out SU-152 assault gun. While heavily armored compared to the Nashorn, the latter could still defeat it from any
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