LIBYA/TURKEY: Prime Minister Winston Churchill ... (1943)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit PM BACK WITH PLANES Tripoli Prime Minister cordially greets General Montgomery in capital of Tripolitania.? Full Description: LIBYA; TripoliI EXT GV and LV pan massed tanks moving forward over desert for Tripoli. SV Grant tank towards, and past camera. GV tanks advancing explosions in background. GV ground shot of explosions. LV explosions. Long side view soldiers firing 25 pounders. GV explosion, soldiers firing gun in foreground. SV soldiers firing 25 pdrs. GBV pan lorries moving forward, Tripoli. SV soldiers firing Bofor gun. GV pan down German plane crashing and explodes - good shot. LV and SV plane wreckage burning. GBV tanks going forward. CU man in tank speaking into ’phone. GBV lorries going forward. SV pan lorries going forward. GV Tripoli and BV lorry down roadway. LFV tommies marching along road. LTBV tommies and lorries along road. CU tommies past camera. G
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