Morocco Beware - Other Colour Pics Share This Title (1967)

Several shots show a military parade in Rabat; the King Hassan of Morocco rides past in an ornate carriage that once belonged to Queen Victoria. The parade approaches the Mosque Ahl Fes; the call to prayers is sounded as we see several men in cream robes kneel down to pray. L/S of an Air France aeroplane landing at Casablanca; a row of veiled Moslem women watch from an observation terrace; passengers disembark from the plane. M/S of a modern Catholic Cathedral; other modern buildings are seen. Waterfalls and exotic plants and flowers are seen in the countryside; a camel walks in a circle to work an irrigation wheel in a field; orange trees grow by the roads. Moslems in traditional robes board a bus. By the side of the road a man in uniform dangles live hedgehogs - a local delicacy that is sold live - yeuch! Another man holds out snails and some kind of vegetables. Various shots of the mediaeval bastions in the city of Meknes; people walk along narrow streets in Fez with donkeys laden with wood
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