Adie Syndrome 2013

Adie Syndrome functions both as an objective document and a subjective portrait. A neurological disorder characterized by a tonicaly dilated pupil, Adie Syndrome is a disorder that I acquired at a young age. Although it is not life threatening or disabling I seek to understand how this malfunction manifests itself, particularly given its place in an organ that is so highly valued. Beyond vision, eyes also function as a symbol for many spiritual concepts. The lens of the camera forms a mechanical polarity with the organic motion of the eyes - the two channels of video reference other binaries throughout the video such as circle vs. square, function vs. malfunction, and objective vs. subjective. The video functions as a moving self-portrait, but has a structure that allows the viewer to experience the piece from beginning to end. I want the viewer to have a vision into my own perception while my eyes gaze back at the audience.
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