Συρία 30 11 2018 Στο Ιντλίμπ βρίσκονται 15000 Ισλαμιστές Τρομοκράτες - Χαγιάτ Ταχρίρ ας Σαμ

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – NOV. 30, 2018: 15,000 AL-QAEDA-LINKED TERRORISTS REMAIN IN IDLIB PROVINCE There are about 15,000 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) terrorists in the province of Idlib and Russia is ready to provide the Syrian government with help to eliminate them, Alexander Lavrentiev, Russian presidential envoy for Syria, announced during a press conference on the sidelines of the Astana talks on November 29. Meanwhile, reports are appearing that radical militants have been amassing forces and deploying missiles as part of the preparation for a confrontation with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the demilitarized zone. On November 29, there was another notable armed confrontation between the SAA and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) in northern Hama. NFL units attacked SAA positions near Karnaz but were forced to withdraw under intense artillery fire.
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