Kissinger: No More Israel In 10 Years - The Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley - October 1, 2012

Former Sec. of State Henry Kissinger quoted “No More Israel In 10 Years“ also New Comet 2012 S1 may be the brightest in history is coming in late 2013. Is this Nibiru? Earthquake 7.3 hits Colombia, and 3.4 quake hits Dallas Tex. Indianapolis Colts Head Coach Chuck Paganos has leukemia. Bible Prophecy, current news events, and the powerful Word of God will be discussed by Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation.
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