Protector Dustin Barca among approximately 30 arrested 4-2-15

Protector and warrior Dustin Barca was able to bless the Mauna with his mana filled presence. Mahalo Dustin! Thanks to our generous donors Sacred Mauna Kea Fund was able to facilitate bringing Dustin Barca to Mauna Kea with 10 other protectors up to the Mauna to meaningfully help in efforts to stop desecration. Dustin and the 10 others can testify to the usefulness of the Sacred Mauna Kea Fund and we hope you consider promoting and supporting our cause among the other legitimate causes out there now. We all work together. If others would like to know how they can help a legitimate effort please click: A knowledge resource: Video From Ehitu Keeling w/Dustin Barca
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