Practice the short u sound in American English

Chuck was having fun under the sun one Monday. He was running around an ugly hut and sucking his thumb while feeding slug blood and other bug blood to a chubby bear cub under an umbrella. This was a must, as the young cub was hungry, but Chuck’s own gut was empty. Chuck became unusually upset with his hunger, and he abandoned the young chubby cub, wondering what yummy stuff was available to fill up his hungry tummy. Arugula salad with asparagus and albacore tuna? Duck dumplings and gumbo? Honey granola banana nut muffins? Or maybe an amazing buttermilk buckwheat upside down cake with butternut pumpkins, cardamom, nutmeg, and onions under an assortment of mushrooms. But all said and done, Chuck just stuck some buns in the oven, topped with plum chutney and chewing gum. And after consuming the plum chutney gum buns, Chuck’s gut was run amok until Chuck chucked the buns upward and upchucked under the unpleasant hug of the unyielding sun. Thus, concluding his fun run under the sun. ■ Practice your
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