Uspon i pad umetnosti (kratkometražni animirani) / Rise and Fall of Art (short animated)

Kratak i smešan film, o pećinskom čoveku koji slučajno pronalazi i stvara umetnost. Medjutim ranije nego što je očekivao, on otkriva gde će ga njegov nov izum odvesti. ----------------- Short and funny story about cave man that accidentally invent the art. Sooner than he expects, he discovers where his art is going to lead him. Godina proizvodnje / Year of production: 2013. Producentske kuće / Production houses: STUDIO 1234, ERSTE BANK Reditelj / Director: Aleksa Gajić Scenario / Written by: Aleksa Gajić Animacija / Animation: Aleksa Gajić, Ivan Pejić Zvuk / Sound: Stevan Đordjević Montaža / Editing: Nebojša Andrić
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