Anglo-Iranian Arrivals (1951)

Unissued / Unused material. Pathe’s John Parsons interviews people arriving at London Airport from the Anglo-Iranian oil company’s terminal in Abadan after the take over. Cuts from 51/81. Interviewing Nurse. JP: Re: Patients? Nurse: No, no Europeans left at all. There are no British people left in Abadan now. ... The only people British are Consulate people. SV Interviewing Nurses Miss Hughes and Miss Henry. JP: feelings on leaving Abadan? Hughes: It’s a sort of mixed feeling really. Rather sad. Henry: Yes, I feel very sad about leaving the Hospital. We were very happy there and it was a very nice Hospital. It was rather awful walking out and leaving all our patients and all our friends behind us. JP: Re going back? Hughes: Well, I’d like to. JP: Future? Hughes: We’re going back home. JP: Did you leave much behind? Hughes: No, not very much, uniforms, and various household effects. JP: Serious cases? Hughes: In the acute surgical ward, there were acute cases there. There haven’t been any European patients
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