Volcanoes (1975)

Unused / unissued material - Various shots of volcanoes erupting. Lots of lava, smoke, pryoclastic flows, etc. CU animated diagrams showing how volcanoes are formed and explode. Good explanation of the growth of volcano. Pan across lava fields. VS of people working around base of volcano - possibly in Java - certainly Far East. More shots of volcanic scenery. Shots of people farming fertile volcanic soil. Quick shot of graveyard with Eastern gravestones. CU of children. CU of statue of Buddha. VS of large numbers of Far Eastern people walking up slopes of volcano. VS of steam venting from side craters. People look over into crater. Steam and sulphur rising. Aerials of volcanic area showing craters. Various shots of people farming paddy fields and harvesting rice. Good shots of tiered paddies. VS of harvest being stored. VS of girls in village doing traditional dance. Intercut with statues from temple and musicians. VS at night of crater of volcano as it starts to become active. Lava and smoke
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