XFiles ---truth-in-plain-sight---

a warning from cigarette smoking man music Xphresh - Luh Don’t let the social engineer psychos dictate to you how to live your life and what to put in your body. Trust science not ’the science’ - remember science is NEVER dogmatic it is forever evolving with new research . Real science these days is classed as medical misinformation . we are living out ’scenario lockstep’ from the Rockefeller foundations document from 2010 titled ’Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’. The World Economic Forum and all the big pharma giants funded event 201 and CladeX and are behind a lot of what we are living through now , resist the tyranny or we will be living in a Chinese style social credit mixed with medical tyranny nightmare soon . The experimental gene therapy jab (its not a vaccine) has already killed hundreds of thousands and injured millions around the world there is a huge cover up and censorship like nobody has ever seen past couple
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