Young Only Once. Елена Садко

Young only once This song is dedicated to the best time of my life, my youth.. where is it… it was here just yesterday… where is it all now… I was simple and naïve and my life was a dream Nothing bothered me much when I was young as sixteen And I never knew after all these things I’ve done That one day the consequences would come So many drugs I took so many drinks I mixed And no one told me: hey watch out, beware of this And I lived like the sky would always stay blue I would stay young forever and all my friends would too Get this we are young only once And like a dream it goes by so fast Make it great so when it all ends There’ll be a smile and no regrets All doors are open and it’s your call Listen to your heart, never give up and take it all The mistakes I made though they weren’t so big Even now they are still haunting me I’m not one for crying but it makes me sad There’s nothing left to do but try to understand That when you are young problems grow fast Just be conscious and careful of whom you trust The world is full of strangers and unknown things You better think twice, your life depends on it When I was young I loved to mess around With my best friends on those endless nights out there is so much beauty in all those teenage things how could anyone forget the first kiss? Or falling in love for the very first time Will you remember all those things for the rest of your life? I do remember and one thing to say May be I wasn’t so wise but more happier than I am today
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