Crazy greyhound plays with kitten

VISIT: LIKE: DONATE: CONTACT: camelsandfriends@ SUBSCRIBE: Cantaloupe, my roommate’s Italian Greyhound and star of the video, “A very bad dog (kleptomaniac greyhound!)“ is back and this time she’s trying to get Pancake the kitten to play in her own special way. If you haven’t seen Cantaloupe’s video, check it out here: She’s totally nuts! Cantaloupe was shy and hesitant of Pancake at first, but last night she erupted into a furious storm of play and Pancake was ready to take her on! He’s just the coolest cat ever- such a little lion! Cantaloupe is one of two Italian Greyhounds that belong to my friend. They’re an ancient breed with very unusual and delicate mannerisms. Cantaloupe was rescued from an abusive home when she was six months old and has made a fantastic recovery.
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