Jonathon Feit speaking at the 2022 Mobile Medical Innovation Roundtable: “FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER“

In his introduction to the 2022 Mobile Medical Innovation Roundtable: “FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER“ -- this was the only on-record session of the profession’s first “unconference,“ where every attendee was invited to speak on matters of passion and importance to them, personally and professionally -- Jonathon Feit (CEO & Co-Founder of Beyond Lucid Technologies) addressed the status, essentiality, and evolution of a profession that is special for a range of reasons. Among the most shining of these: its practitioners are people of *extraordinary* faith and optimism, in spite of themselves. They are willing to run toward the crisis, and they continue showing up even when their status at the corner of public health and public safety is undercut. But are Mobile Medical professionals ultimately undercutting themselves?
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