Expert virologist Dr. Steven Hatfill speaks about the Coronavirus and COVID-19.

Expert virologist Dr. Steven Hatfill speaks about the Coronavirus and COVID-19. Dr. Hatfill is interviewed via the web by actress Katherine Boecher, arranged by global storyteller Sterling Light Productions as a public service announcement. Questions from the video below. Virologist and biological defense specialist, Dr. Steven Hatfill, educates the American people as a public service to the world. In this video, Hatfill advises on the most essential things you need to know about COVID-19. Dr. Hatfill’s extensive background in global virus research and disaster response makes him one of the most knowledgeable and experienced voices on COVID-19. Topics covered include how to avoid contracting and spreading the virus, incubation and contagious periods, practical tips for day to day living in a Coronavirus crisis, helping your children adjust to new hygiene protocols and self-quarantine practices, proper care of the homebound ill, how it started, how it transferred and where it goes from here. Dr. Steven Hatfill’s background: • medical doctor and virologist, board eligible in Hematological Pathology • former National Research Council fellowship at US Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases - Fort Detrick • Senior Fellow at London Institute for Policy Research • Multi-departmental Adjunct Professor at George Washington University Medical Center and School • Masters degrees in microbial genetics, radiation biochemistry and experimental pathology • Helped to train and establish the Rapid Hemorrhagic Fever Response Team for the National Disaster Management Unit in Kenya, Africa. • National Fellow of the Explorers Club and board member of several non-profit medical organizations • Author of “Three Seconds Until Midnight”  (Amazon/Kindle) concerning America’s failure in pandemic preparedness QUESTIONS ADDRESSED: Contagious period of Coronavirus? Can you be contagious without knowing? What is the incubation period? What is the coronavirus and COVID-19? If someone in my house has been diagnosed with COVID-19 coronavirus, does isolation inside the household make a difference? Why do we need Virologists? When we talk about isolation do we mean the entire household? If someone is infected will everyone in the house get infected? Is it ok to order packages and bags from ordering groceries and other items? What is non porous and porous surfaces? Is the cleaning and disinfecting actually doing anything? Is it possible to care for loved ones infected without getting infected? Can you carry the coronavirus on your clothes and bottoms of your shoes? Is it safe to play outside and let our children and kids on the playground and parks? Can the virus enter through the mouth, nose and the eyes? Heavily contaminated surfaces or being coughed or sneezed on? Virus doesn’t like humidity, what about humidifiers and dehumidifiers? What started the coronavirus COVID-19? Do you think the Coronavirus is a bio-weapon? Does warm weather or hot saunas do anything to the virus? Going outside in the sun and UV rays kills the virus? Does going outside help patients recover? Is it safe to go around some to the local coffee shop and local restaurants?
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