
CONTAINS SLASH! There is a story to this video. Please press ’Pause’ before you read this. When Draco asked Harry for friendship in their first year, Harry had declined. Ever since then Draco finds himself jealous of the trio and it’s in his sixth year that he has begun to look at Harry more. He starts contrasting the way Harry looked back then to they way he looks now. Then, in a matter of weeks, Draco realizes that from the beginning, it wasn’t that he envied the friendship that Hermione and Ron had with Harry. It was that he liked Harry from the moment he saw him and wanted to be friends with him. And maybe more. All the while this is happening, Draco has the mission to kill Dumbledore but he doesn’t want to do it at all. Meanwhile, Harry notices Draco acting weird and in turn starts thinking more about him and starts following him. He slowly begins to like him without realizing it. Ginny, who loves Harry, realizes Harry’s feelings
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