Clark Gable Adolf Hitler The War

The claim that Adolf Hitler esteemed Clark Gable above all other actors and offered a reward to capture and return him unscathed is not supported by credible historical sources. There is no historical evidence to suggest that Hitler had a particular admiration for Clark Gable or that he issued such an order. What is true is that Clark Gable, a famous Hollywood actor known for his roles in films like “Gone with the Wind,“ did indeed enlist in the United States Army Air Forces (not the Army Air Corps, as it had been renamed) during World War II. He joined the military in 1942, following the death of his wife, Carole Lombard, in a plane crash, and his service was motivated in part by a desire to honor her memory. Gable served as a gunner on several combat missions in Europe and was eventually promoted to the rank of captain. His wartime service was seen as a way for a prominent Hollywood figure to show solidarity with the troops and boost morale on the home front. While it is true that Gable s
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