忙碌的田间地头,也有开心和快乐的时候!#田间地头日常 #勤劳的农村人

Join this channel to get access to perks: 我们是在山里长大的孩子。[English below] 虽然我们很穷,但我们很幸福。我们可能没有多少物质上的财产,但我们有丰富的爱和欢笑。我们的父母努力工作来养活我们,我们感激他们所做的一切。 我们爱我们山里的家。我们整天在森林里玩耍,爬山,在溪流里游泳。我们知道所有最好的地方找到浆果和蘑菇,我们可以在雪地里追踪动物。我们是一个紧密联系的社区。每个人都认识彼此,我们总是互相帮助。我们帮助邻居做家务,并在节日里一起庆祝。我们可能很穷,但我们精神上很富有。我们是一群快乐健康的孩子,热爱我们的家和社区。希望这个翻译对您有帮助! We are children who grew up in the mountains. Although we are poor, we are very may not have much in terms of material possessions, but we have a wealth of love and laughter. Our parents work hard to provide for us, and we are grateful for all that they do. We love our mountain home. We spend our days playing in the forests, climbing the rocks, and swimming in the streams. We know all the best places to find berries and mushrooms, and we can track animals through the snow. We are a close-knit community. Everyone knows each other, and we are always there for each other. We help our neighbors with chores, and we celebrate together on holidays. We may be poor, but we are rich in spirit. We are happy and healthy children who love our home and our community.
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