Hera Lind - 2023 - 365 days (Official music video)

It’s been only 3 months since my debut song “365 days“ came out and I am beyond grateful for the love that you have shown it. Thank you so much for your support and kind words. I want to remind people that you don’t need fancy equipment to make art. Filmed by: Athena Elíasdóttir Edited by: Hrafnhildur Orradóttir & me Font: Marion, Italic Location: Húsavík, Iceland Special thanks to my friend Athena who was willing to run out in a snowstorm with me for the sake of this video. Lyrics: [Verse 1] Feel like I’ve always been on your mind Hope our correlation has not been a total waste of time My attraction towards you grows stronger and stronger with every touch [Chorus] Feel like I’ve known you for longer than 365 Days I want you to stay in my brain Forever and ever and ever I enjoy our every endeavour And oh! Every time I see you I feel as if I might as well collapse [
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