Morgellons. My doctor changed his mind after viewing this

Most people with Morgellons disease have Lyme disease. The other 3% have compromised immune systems. There is peer-reviewed research from microbiologists showing the association with Lyme bacteria (borrelia) in Morgellons patents. There is evidence of a gel-like biofilm in the skin, that contains other bacteria that are present in the body. Of interest are intracellular bacteria that possibly disrupt genetic expression. IF YOU HAVE MORGELLONS DISEASE, check out this expert on Bartonella ( an intra-cellular bacteria). This explains what some people think is the main cause of Morgellons, bartonella. This is a prof, veterinarian and expert on Bartonella bacteria. Were you ever bit by a flea? Did the tick transmit bartonella. Here is the site: After cleaning the skin on my leg, I wipe with a white latex glove. Out come morgellons filaments. This is my contribution to proving that this disease a physical sickness. In my case I only had 3 weeks of
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