Teens arrested after driving on pride mural painted in road

Yet another LGBTQ celebratory mural has been defaced. This time, a crosswalk painted in the colors of the pride flag was brutally and cruelly defaced by malicious teens who thought that, apparently, it was ok to drive over it. Spokane, Washington was the scene for this outburst of malice that has left literally some people reeling. The driving-related hate incident saw tire marks left on the road and even some ‘black scuff marks’ left by a small scooter heinously driving on a road, of all places. Lime, the company responsible for the hate-scooter’s rental, has announced that it will be electronically prohibiting their scooters from entering designated pride murals, marking them as a ‘no-go zone.’ Any rider attempting to enter a forbidden gay zone will be forced to walk their scooter to an appropriately heterosexual area before continuing. Meanwhile, three teenagers have been booked over the vicious crime. Lime’s director of government relations, an important and necessary role to have for a small scooter rental company, said that ‘we will not let the hateful few spoil the joy of Pride Month™ in Spokane, and are grateful for those working to make Spokane more welcoming for all.’ Unless you’re a teenager riding a scooter on a road, then it’s off to jail where you belong.
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