Pros Critiquing Pros “5 Min Portrait“ Air Show Photos Ripped Apart

Pros Critiquing Pros is a simple idea, to have a professional critique another professionals photos. This time around Matt Ciao is critiquing my first attempt at photographing an Air Show. You can see the “5 Min Portrait“ Air Show Edition right here I asked Matt to critiquing my first attempt at shooting an Air Show so I can hopefully get better shots next time. It’s never easy having someone critiquing your photos. But Matt did it in the right way. He knew this was my first time shooting something like this and critiqued them accordingly. That’s something you have to keep in mind when you are critiquing someones work. If they are just starting out or new at something you have to take that into consideration before ripping them apart. Find the positives and point out what can be done better. Please Subscribe To connect with FroKnowsPhot
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