Ahulabrum (US) - Sandown Clown (Demo 2022)

A brand new demo from the West Virginia master of alien sounds and cosmic frequencies. This time with a bit of a stylistic change, although not exactly new territory for Indrid Cold, Ahulabrum delivers an entire demo of Dungeon Synth/Noise music, with definitely some incursions into Black Ambient territory as well. 17 minutes of dissonant keyboard wanderings, sometimes borderlining on randomness but with some depraved logic behind the chaos, almost as being alien melodies playing on some wicked antiquated radio belonging to an extraterrestrial entity, accompanied by various percussive sounds with Industrial vibes, from programmed drums, to house recordings of various noises to weird dissociative electric interferences. To be released on cassette format on November 4th, via Maniac Mutant Music. Maniac Mutant Music: Tracklist: 1 October 20th, 1970, I.W. UK 02:14 2 March 1st, 1972, Compton Bay, I.W. 04:23 3 A Holiday in the Country
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