Russia Testing ‘Doomsday’ Nuclear Super Weapons

MOSCOW — A cruise missile with a nuclear warhead at the front and a nuclear engine at the rear. Plus, a massive underwater drone designed to cause radioactive tsunamis. These are just two of the new weapons that Russia is testing right now. Here are the details: CNN reports satellite images show Russia seems to be preparing to test fire another one of its nuclear-powered cruise missiles. This comes just months after CNN reported on Russia’s testing of a doomsday drone that’s designed to cause massive tsunamis filled with radioactive material. The nuclear-powered missiles, code-named Skyfall, are around eight meters long and feature nuclear engines which allow them to fly incredibly long distances. Russia claims the missile can take any route to its target, and the U.S. says it’s designed specifically to get around U.S. air defences. In April, CNN reported on Russian tests of its new Poseidon 2M39 drone torpedo. Unlike conventional torpedoes, Russia says this behemoth can snoop around enemy defenses
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