📣 Learn more about our 21-Day Yoga Challenge - 🧘🏼♀️ Chakras are energy centres located within the spine that allow for energy to flow within us ✨
These energy centres are like important metro junctions where multiple lines coincide that carry hordes of passengers across the city 🚉
The same way these energy centres channel energy to every area of the body and therefore impact every dimension of our existence ⚡️
Mooladhara decides our roots, our physical health and impacts how grounded we feel. Practising asanas like Malasana, Upavishtakonasana & Veerbhadrasana strengthen this Chakra 🔴
Swadishthana is the storehouse of past impressions and also determines our relationship with ourselves. To overcome feelings of lack and fear, practice asanas like Baddhakonasana and Anjaneyasana 🟠
Manipura determines your self confidence and your ability to take action. Poses lik