031 Iissiidiological Introduction Concept

These are translated (from Russian) quotes of Iissiidiology - THE NEWEST COSMOLOGICAL CONCEPTS ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF UNIVERSES AND HUMAN BEINGS. Someone calls it “knowledge from Atlantis and Lemuria”. Others claim it ‘”knowledge from Pleiades and Sirius”. People also may call this knowledge in any way they want an ideology or a part of any institute, pseudo-science or science fiction, even ravings of a madman and they are all right, but it does not really think the name or classification type of the knowledge is not the main point, but that Iissiidiology sheds light on many difficult and unanswered questions in science, philosophy, religion, politics and economics. The author of Iissiidiology is ORIS. Up to date there are 13 volumes of the knowledge (700-800 pages each) are published in Russian. Moreover, the author is working day and night to deliver more info. If you have 20 mins of your time and want to see him please watch this video
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