[150411] MIC男团 胡文阁 Peking Opera version - “Lan Ting Xu“ 京剧版《兰亭序》@ TJTV New Opera Show

MIC男团携梅兰芳传人梅派青衣胡文阁 演唱京剧版《兰亭序》致敬周杰伦 *胡文阁是著名京剧表演艺术家梅葆玖先生(梅兰芳最小儿子)唯一的男旦弟子,亦是近半个世纪以来梅派唯一的乾旦传人 Cross-dressing has a long history in Chinese Opera, dating back to Feudal times when women were not allowed to perform on stage. As a result, male opera singers had to perform and sing female roles, and this tradition still remains today. Full Episode《国色天香》第二季总决赛: 赵传霍尊莫华伦助阵冠军之夜
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