Hydroelectric reservoir burst, 4 cities isolated in China! The 200 m crack engulfed everything

Hydroelectric reservoir burst, 4 cities isolated in China! The 200 m crack engulfed everything A state of emergency was declared when a dike crack at China’s second largest freshwater lake, Dongting Lake in Huarong County, central China’s Hunan Province, caused an emergency evacuation #china #hunan #flood #dongtinglake #flood #heavy rain #hail #strong wind #flash flood #wind #weather #cyclone #climate change #cyclone Our content discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports around the world, including: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, flash floods, earthquakes, heavy rains, hail, hail storms, windstorms, climate change, weather warnings, volcanoes, tornadoes, bad weather, today’s weather news, summary of natural disasters, natural disasters filmed by camera
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