Sturm bricht los [German Fahrtenlied][+English translation]

Also known as “Hammer des Nordens“ and created by Kurt Kremers, Fahrtenname Turi. A little bit of context: “Ormen Lange“ is a variation of “Ormrinn langi“ (/Ormurin langi), a particularly long and feared Viking longship owned by Olav Tryggvason, who ruled Norway as Olav I. from 995 to 1000. He was the son of the regional king Tryggvi Olafsson, the name “Tryggvi“ coming from Old Norse “tryggr“, which is related to German “treu“ and English “true“, meaning exactly this. The shared Germanic root is “trewwa“. According to Norse sagas, Tryggvi was a grandson of Harald Fairhair, who - if the usually much younger sagas are to be believed - was the first king of Norway from 872 to 930. Olav Tryggvason was said to be the first Christian king of Norway and an important factor in the Norse regions becoming Christian for good. Apparently, Olav (before he became king) was part of an alliance led by Holy Roman (German) Emperor Otto II
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