Yukishiro Enishi (Alpha preview)

Here is a video demonstration of my alpha version of Yukishiro Enishi. Note that a Japanese creator, TOKATHIKI, was the creator of the sprites shown and will be credited in the end. I will be recoding him to match the rest of my characters’ gameplay style as well as editing/adding some sprites as I see fit. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: Add Nerves of Insanity Super (it’s effect is TBD) Fix collision boxes Fix damage values Fix the Go Tsui Tou Sei (the stab and throw move) Add more voices and sounds such as sword swings, clashes/ slashes, etc. Add more basic attacks Additional sprites for smoother animations Create sprites for dizzy, falling, liedown, new walking animation, taunt, various intro/win poses, and new basic attacks Special intro/win poses vs Kenshin/Battousai etc. etc. etc. This will not be done in awhile since Saito Hajime is the priority right now. You will also notice Battousai sprites are being re-done thanks to XDanMt. This updated version wil
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