Lola Albright - It’s Always You

Composed & orchestra directed by Henry Mancini. From the album “Dreamsville“ (1959). Lola Albright played private eye Peter Gunn’s romantic interest, nightclub singer Edie Hart, on the classy ’50s TV show. As part of her role, Lola occasionally took the stage at Mother’s, Gunn’s hangout, & delivered a song in her own voice, backed by choice musicians selected by Henry Mancini. She released two albums, neither garnering much attention, the second supervised by Mancini & featuring six tunes composed for the Peter Gunn soundtrack. Lola & Hank knew her limits & made an enjoyable record with care & sophistication. She was a modestly talented singer portraying a modestly talented singer in an imaginary small nightclub. She was so good at it she was nominated for an Emmy
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