Sailor Moon originally Called Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon and later become Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon is a Japanese shojo manga series written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi. The series follows the adventures of a young schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino as she transforms into the titular character to search for a magical artifact called the “Legendary Silver Crystal“ During her journey, she leads a diverse group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers including mercury, mars, jupiter and venus.
Transformations are a big part of Sailor Moon, since the Senshi uses them to transform into their sailor fukus while yelling out a special command along with holding a pen, wand, or in Usagi’s case her brooch. Transformation of the Sailor Soldiers from teenage girls into magical girls, with heavy emphasis on jewelry, make-up and their highly sexualized outfits with cleavage, short skirts and accentuated waists.
The transformation show some the sailor girl Body in gold silhouette. It is sexy and hot while you are in your teen watching teen anime girl with that kind of body.
This video will show you of Usagi and Mamoru Daughter, Chibiusa, transform into Black Lady.
Black Lady was an evil grown-up version of Chibiusa Tsukino, who was corrupted by Wiseman in the Sailor Moon R season of the anime. This is the first animated depiction of the original manga character. Black Lady keeps the same appearance in the anime as she does in the manga. However, the slit in her dress has become more revealing.
Chibiusa’s was engulf by dark silhouette. Then her and and her feet getting bigger, then Chibiuasa body change from kid to adult, especial the back part and the chest part.
Then her face change more like usagi with chibiusa hair, with black moon symbol on her forehead.
10 months ago 00:00:29 2
transformation fail with chibiusa
1 year ago 00:00:40 6
Chibiusa Transforms into Black Lady HD
2 years ago 00:01:31 1
Sailor Moon Eternal Original Soundtrack - Appearance of the Holy Grail-Moon Crisis Makeup!
2 years ago 00:00:39 3
Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon Transformation - Moon Cricis Make Up!
8 years ago 00:00:25 14
Sailor Chibi Moon Transformation 1 - Moon Prism Power Make Up! (version 2)