
Just talking. For the past few months if not years, I have been neglecting the damage of what I’ve done. Though I’ve been lingering on the feelings and emotions I felt. Putting the blame on others for the reactions to things I’ve caused years ago, even now in the present. I want to move on and fix things with people but that can only happen if they are willing to open up to me and resolve them. And as for me, I wish not to be judged by things I’ve done in the past, I wish not to be isolated from my friends with blackmail from other friend groups, and be berated anymore. Ive fulfilled the role of being the punching bag and “bad guy“ for 3 years. This video was long overdue and delayed out of fear of what others may think. I’m 18 and I’m in college, I’ve moved on. I believe it’s time the truth was heard from my mouth and you guys move on too. Thank you for your time.
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