Chrono Trigger the Musical - Battle with Magus

Socials: Frequently Asked Questions: Song Ballot: Help us fund ambitious projects like this for a dollar a month! , --- Track 30/60 from Chrono Trigger the Musical! After a long and arduous journey, our heroes finally arrive at the lair of the fiendlord Magus. Having bested his generals, they confront the demon lord himself, to stop him from summoning the dread Lavos. Credits - Music by Yasunori Mitsuda Orchestral Version by Malcolm Robinson ( Magus: Steven Kelly () Frog: Darby Cupit () () Chorus: Atwas () Cellochicita () Chris Curasi () DBGreece () () () Queen Creeps () () () Scott Orenstein ( ) () () Seterra () () Suraht () UprisingAttorney () () Art by Juno () () () () Mix by Marc Gardner Mix: Lyrics by Alex Beckham () Footage by Suraht () Outro Music: Memories of Green Orchestral by Fenix Ark Angelus ( Patreon Music: “Inspired“ by Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Art (Without Music) can be found here:
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