ROTTEN: Behind the Foodfight

In 2012, the animated feature Foodfight! was unleashed on the world. It was given a theatrical release just a year before in the UK, Russia, and Dubai. The movie cost approximately 32 million dollars, starred Charlie Sheen, Wayne Brady, Hillary Duff, Eva Longoria, and Christopher Lloyd. Yet it only made back less than 1% of its budget and lives in infamy as the worst animated feature ever created. This is its story. ROTTEN wouldn’t have been possible without by incredible team and the patience of the many, many crew members that I contacted over the year I spent researching for this. To those I spoke to, thank you. Sorry if I brought back bad memories! For anyone wondering about the accuracy of the fake interviews being performed by actors, their lines come directly from interviews I had with crew members that would like to remain anonymous, just rewritten a little to create a little more anonymity. Their facts, however, have remained entirely the same. Everything in this doc
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