Ships Fly Up - Apostasy (Full Album, 2024)

“Apostasy“ is Ships Fly Up’s 6th full-length album, released on May 31, 2024. The video contains comments from the creator of the project, Egor Fedotov. TRACK LIST 00:00 01 Lokin 05:01 02 The Black Sun 10:37 03 Apostate 16:48 04 In the Woods 22:16 05 The Doomed City 27:07 06 Only Lovers Left 32:02 07 The Shining Night 36:37 08 The Rain Began to Fall Again 42:27 09 Dawn of Sunset 47:22 10 Fatum Music by Egor Fedotov Mixing & Mastering by Maxim Larikov The video contains comments by Egor Fedotov about each song. Here you can find its translation into English: 1 Lokin Lokin is someone who comes from the other side of reality. I first learned about him on the pages of my own book. The composition is imbued with mysticism and the otherworldly, which are the constant companions of my life. I made the first sketches back in 2022. 2 The Black Sun His poisonous shadow can become a refuge only for a select few. There is a lot of electronics in the composition, and one of the synthesizer melodies reminds me of the echo of a dying world. In the final version, I left the first “chorus” without rhythm guitars, so as not to forget my roots. 3 Apostate When the sound engineer found out the name of the composition, he asked me: “Apostate from what?”. And I answered him without hesitation: “From the imposed destructive canons hidden under the guise of benefit.” I consider the guitar melodies from this composition to be one of the strongest in my entire work. 4 In the Woods True magic lives under the bosom of the dark crowns. This is a rare composition where electronics sounds only in the final part, which is a fundamental move that emphasizes the originality of guitar motifs. 5 The Doomed City The sounds of the damned and the rejected come through the old radio. The title echoes the Strugatsky brothers’ book of the same name, but the composition is still about something else. It evokes thoughts of death and life at the same time. 6 Only Lovers Left Others are not destined to contemplate the greatness of the collapsed world. The composition with notes of vampirism and gothic decor. The dynamic part shows that I am also in love with metal. 7 The Shining Night Its brilliance is akin to a diamond lying under the moonlight on the tombstone of eternity. I hid this song from the person who helped me by sharing constructive impressions and relentlessly listening to all the tracks many times from the moment they were created to being sent for release. He listened to all the tracks except this one. I wanted to give him a gift, which is the opportunity to hear “The Shining Night” for the first time on the shining night of the release of “Apostasy”. 8 The Rain Began to Fall Again Its scorching drops fall and fall endlessly. I usually don’t like rain, but in this composition it pours so sincerely and deeply that I have no choice but to stand under it with my arms outstretched and drink the sacred waters of the collapsed heavens. The melody on the piano came to me like a revelation and I played it and played it while the rain washed away all the sorrows of the dark heart. 9 Dawn of Sunset The Beginning of the End. And a new world will be reborn from the ashes. In my entire life, until the moment of writing these lines, this is the most difficult composition to implement. Sleepless nights with short breaks followed one another. After months of work, at the last moment I cancelled the release of this single following an inner call. At some point, I began to suspect that it was cursed and wanted to kill me. Then there were suspicions that the sound engineer would kill me from the number of corrections. However, he showed noble restraint and the “Dawn of Sunset” took its place of honor in “Apostasy”, bringing the listener to the Inevitable. 10 Fatum The inevitability. The Wheel of Fate. The darkness simultaneously thickens and opens up before Him. He is the darkness. The music is the soundtrack to the events described on the torn pages of an old book. I want to believe that one day I will find them and find out His answer to the Apostate’s question. Вы можете поддержать Ships Fly Up на Boosty, оформив подписку и получив доступ к редким материалам, скетчам треков, над которыми идет работа в данный момент, раннему прослушиванию новых синглов и альбомов, и многому другому (Get access to rare and exclusive materials by subscribing to Ships Fly Up on Boosty): For donations: ALL LINKS: : Spotify: Apple: VK: Telegram: Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: #postrock
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