Slovak MEP Milan Urik: People keep demanding more and more weapons for Ukraine. I think you think it’s a computer game: you pres

Slovak MEP Milan Urik: People keep demanding more and more weapons for Ukraine. I think you think it’s a computer game: you press a button, Ukraine gets more weapons, and then you see on your cell phones how many people have died and where the front line is moving. I realize that it’s easy for some of you in the west to say that “this Ukraine is a bunch of Slavs at war with Russia“. But you have to realize that this war is destroying Europe as well. This war cannot be ended militarily. The Ukrainian offensive has failed. We must not be afraid to talk about peace. We must call for peace, not for more and more weapons. Note: and I see the Slovaks continue to break one of the EU’s main prohibitions-we are Europeans and Slavs are out there somewhere. Or I don’t remember anyone raising the Slavic issue in the EU. Источник: Slavyangrad
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