CppCon 2019: Miro Knejp “Non-conforming C++: the Secrets the Committee Is Hiding From You”

— Discussion & Comments: — Presentation Slides, PDFs, Source Code and other presenter materials are available at: — These days everyone talks about conforming and portable C . Compiler vendors celebrate increasing conformance. Committee agents blind us with new shiny toys coming to the language. But there is a darker side to C . A C you are not supposed to know about. What if I told you there was more to C than what the agents of The Committee want us to believe? Over decades programmers all around the world have added features to the language in form of compiler extensions that let us do even greater things. Some are completely new, and some are lifted from C to C to allow some interesting, and sometimes more efficient, application. We will see how statements can become expressions, how “goto“ with extra superpowers can make your programs faster, and why there exists an o
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