George Kuchar’s Parting Message to the People of the Future

It was not unexpected, but very sad to hear the news that George Kuchar passed away on September 6, 2011. The accolades will be pouring in for this wonderful maker of movies, but to me he was always inspiring, generous, hilarious, and genuinely strange. I asked George to record a video to the people of the future a few weeks ago, so here it is. Say hi to Curt, George. “Live in the past. It’s a lot of fun. But make sure that you have a past. Otherwise your future will be kinda bleak. You might as well get your head full of memories. Some of it dirty memories. But then you can always call in the priest and I think you get a benediction or something. They will forgive your sins. And make sure that you eat hearty. Remember also that vegetarianism is very good too.“ - George Kuchar
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