Intimidating Father Suddenly Transforms Into Cute Prom Date! - TG Transformation

Brian was a divorced man in his 40’s. He hadn’t been in a relationship since his marriage and mainly focused all his time on work, his daughter, and his motorcycle. He was a decent father for the most part, but he was very protective of his daughter, who was 18 now. On the night of her senior prom, he told his daughter McKenna beforehand he was, “Going to have a little talk” with her date Lance before pictures. McKenna was getting annoyed of her father treating her like a child. Lance was a great guy, and she didn’t want her dad to scare him… which she knew he would. During an ensuing argument, in an offhand comment Lauren said, “I wish you could just see him how I see him.” Well, the bedazzled cheap ring that she bought online happened to be magic, and instantly granted the wish. Hair sprouted from Brian’s head, it all happened so fast. McKenna hardly had time to realize what was happening… When it was all said and done, reality was different. McKenna wasn’t going to prom with Lance anymore, she was going with his friend Jake. Bree was all primped and prettied up in her gorgeous pink dress. She looked amazing, and she knew it too. Her bff McKenna wouldn’t shut up about it. Bree couldn’t wait for Lance to see her.
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