Oceanship | Hotblack | Official Video [HD]

This song remains on Youtube because I cannot remove it. There is a clause in the Digital Millennial Copyright Act (DMCA) that shields Youtube/Alphabet from any legal accountability in third parties uploading content to their platform (aka “the fan“). This means that anyone can upload my material without my permission, and if I want it removed I must manually complete a form — for every fan-video uploaded. There is no guarantee that the video will be removed, or when, and there is also no punishment for the copyright infringing pseudo-fan (aka people who upload videos/music without the musician’s permission), so for every video removed the pseudo-fan can simply re-upload the same video (or upload 20 more videos for spite). This is an intentional move by Youtube/Alphabet, for it makes it impossible for an artist to remove their work from the platform permanently. Youtube do not enforce copyright (which they can easily do) because they can’t slap an ad on a video, and track the behaviour of
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