Here’s my third unofficial compilation of the yearly event known as Sirencon where all of us enthusiast gather for an afternoon of fun, food, and friends to listen very loud noise making devices. This years line up was the most diverse yet. This was filmed with a real camera!
Table of Contents...
0:00 - intro
0:20 - Friday BTS
6:55 - Saturday Morning BTS
9:07 - Kick-off
10:26 - Camp Alertronic
11:42 - Thunderbolt 1003
13:14 - Prototype ACA P-10
17:20 - GE powered STH-10
20:30 - Darley Screamer 7.5
23:02 - Wisconsin Powered Mobile Directo
25:01 - Decot 10/15
28:08 - My Valley powered STH-10
31:04 - Model 5T
33:23 - Castle Castings on VFD at 50hz
35:16 - Marathon powered STH-10
37:53 - P-10
40:28 - ACA Super Banshee
42:48 - The Sterling model M formerly know as “####”
44:56 - 1003 doing all signals
48:58 - Josh announces the arrival of a “surprise“
52:23 - Cyclone 125 stresses the generator
56:43 - Staff preps the Hur