In Memorium - George Catlett Marshall (1959)

IN MEMORIUM - GEORGE CATLETT MARSHALL . General George Catlett Marshall and wife walking in garden. CU. Marshall. MS. Marshall, wife and dog seated in garden. LS. Marshall and General John Pershing coming out of dugout (flashback). Various shots of Marshall, General John Pershing and others in uniform. (flashback). Various shots of Sir Winston Churchill, Marshall and others reviewing troops (flashback). CU. Panning shot of Churchill, Sir Anthony Eden (former Conservative Prime Minister), President Eisenhower (Ike), Monty and Marshall. CU. Marshall and Churchill. MS. Marshall shaking hands with Montgomery. MS. Ship. MS. Marshall and others on deck. CU. Marshall and Eisenhower on deck, pan to LS. of other ships. CU. Eisenhower and Admiral Ernest J King (head of US Navy). LS. Planes straffing. MS. Ike, Monty and Marshall on beach. CU. Group in jeep. CU. Eisenhower. LS. Jeep driving away. . General Douglas MacArthur and Marshall. CU. Mac Arthur shaking hands with troops. CU. Marshall and Mac Arthur.
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