2nd Congress Of Europe (1953)

Unissued / unused material. 2nd Congress of Europe, The Hague, Holland (Netherlands). Sound starts at 01:16:17. Exterior Knights’ Hall in the Hague. Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard entering Knights’ Hall, accompanied by Paul Henri Spaak, President of European Movement. Speech opening congress by Spaak (natural sound, in French). CU Dutch Royals, Count Coudenhove Kalergi (Italy), Professor Bell (Dutch Minister of Interior). CU Robert Schuman and Prince Bernhard. CU Mr. Schokking, Burgomaster of the Hague and Dr. Heinrich von Brentano (Secretary of German Christian Democratic Party). CU Prince Bernhard, Alcide de Gasperi (Italian Foreign Minister) and Robert Schuman. Dutch ministers. Audiences listening to and applauding Spaak. Robert Schumann speaking in French. Various shots audience, some where translation headphones. LS Schumann speaking. Applause. Applause, Schuman returns to his place. M. Finet, representative of High Authority of ECSC, speaking in French. Finet leaves rostrum. M
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