Czechoslovak Steeplechase (1956)

Pardubic, Czechoslovakia. TV. Horses coming round after taking water jump. Pan with the horses. CU. Man looking through binoculars. LV. Pan as the horses come down towards a water jump and the leaders start to jump. One falls right on top of another horse, but they both get up and so do the two jockeys. SV. Fence, leaders take it. It has a ditch on the other side and as camera looks at it one horse has lost his jockey on the far side. One comes over and dives head long into the ditch giving a strong impression of breaking its neck. It slips down into the ditch. CU. The jump as three horses take it. LV. Towards, as the leaders come over Irish Bank and they run into a ploughed field. CU. People in crowd watching. SV. Pan with the leaders as they churn their way through ploughed field. CU. Anxious people in crowd. SV. Pan as two horses take water jump and one falls but jockey and horse, are all right. SCU. Crowd. SV. Horse who starts to walk through the water jump, and out the other side. TV. Pan of the lead
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